The Story goes on....
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
11:49:00 PM

My dad's birthday dinner last night was awfully expensive and totally not worth it's price!! It sure is 'gui4' just as its signboard suggest. The name of the shop was 'li2 (surname I guess) gui4 (expensive)'. Can't be help. Free publicity for them!! Go there if you want your $$ be burnt.

When it seems contradicting for a chinese restaurant to be located at Mosque street...
Then what does it mean when Mosque street turns out to be part of Chinatown?

Double contradictory!
It happens to be the restaurant we went. =S
I can't sleep now... sort of having some jitteries bout tmr's O level Physics Prac. I'm so unprepared. Full-stop.

&the beauty.

Sunday, October 22, 2006
5:39:00 PM

Today's 22th October. Just 4 days to Physics Practical, 8 days to Chinese Paper, 9 days to Chemistry Practical and 14 days to the beginning of the Big Bomb. So far, my preparation for the Big Bomb isn't yet fulfilling enough. What with the PSI hitting up to 110, and the continuous mugging everyday, I'm having throat irritation and migraine now. Brain not working at full production but I'm trying my best. Now that I can go to a JC for the first 3 months, I'd better not be kicked out after March next year.
Above all this, I have distractions from the upcoming Grad night as well as my part-time employment after the Big Bomb. All these are rather new and exciting for me, I can hardly wait for these to come. I can't wait to go shopping for my grad night clothes/accessories! With all these apprehensions bugging me incessantly, how am I supposed to concentrate well for this coming big bomb!! =D =D
Right, I'd better put a final note to this miserably short post and get started on my revision. I’m just rambling to let off some of my anxiety.

&the beauty.

Monday, October 09, 2006
9:26:00 PM

Came across these short essays on what type of people should we be beware of...
Quite meaningful. Do read.

34) Can't seem to let go of past hurts, and goes on and on about them at every opportunity, even months or YEARS later.The not being able to let go part means that they're depressive and obsessive; their going on about it might be because whatever's in their head just comes pouring out of their mouth, or because they're trying for attention and sympathy (and usually hoping it'll magically morph into liking and friendship)... or, worst of all, because it's all being faked by a manipulator who wants you to see them as a poor, pitiful creature who's totally incapable of whatever evil they're plotting.

35) Has demands or expectations of you that make them seem more like a jealous lover than a friend.A friend NEVER expects you to circle your life around them, forsaking all others, not so much as glancing at anyone without their approval; if a supposed friend is acting that way, and they're NOT trying to become romantically involved with you, it means that they're a manipulator who's hoping to isolate you from everyone else so as to have total control over you, at which point they can mistreat you at will. If you protest any part of this process, you'll get melodramatic accusations that you're betraying or rejecting them, and threats that they'll drop you; they expect you to realize that you have no other real friends anymore, or none not under THEIR power, and cave in... and if you do, you'll be their virtual slave for as long as they choose to keep you around.

36) Only wants to talk about themselves, never about YOU (even when major things are going on in your life).Friendship is a 2-way street; anyone who wants you to ride down the one-way road to Themsville is not only NOT your friend, they're either a belligerent depressive who's become convinced that their misery entitles them to be the non-stop center of attention, a manipulator in the final stages of using you (when they can no longer be bothered to even TRY to make it look like they care or are giving you anything), a jealous turd who gets "revenge" on you for your superior life by refusing to talk about it, or just a bad person who's dropped the pretense of pleasantness they used to trick you into befriending them.

Cited from

PS: Everyone who's sick due to the hazy haze, do take care!!!!!!!!!!

&the beauty.

Saturday, October 07, 2006
11:25:00 AM

Today is one of those dreaded days...... Down, sad, unhappy, glum. Don't ask me WhY!

Can't talk much.

And Honghui, no need to say you wanna go eat just to hang up the phone. Just tell me straight! I'll understand. lol.

Prelim results weren't satisfactory. But then again, no one ever feels satisfied with what they have right? Even if you said before you aimed for 3 distinctions, and you got it, you would still want more. It's always like that. Life's always so unsatisfactory unless you set your priorities right.

I believe I can do better for O levels though... now that i have a DDMA [Die Die Must Accomplish] schedule on hand. =] and a little motivation up my sleeves.... hehe.

''PB AND HH JIAYOU! We must all BEAT THE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!''

PS: HH, POA by Monday.
PPS: Homework for 4i; SS's SBQ yr 2005 paper. Chemistry June 2005 paper.

And i've bought monthly contact lenses three days back! I don't have to wear my irritating specs anymore. It makes my fringe look awful.

Used up my free GV ticket yesterday... the movie was awesome and hilarious!!!!!!!!!!

Bao Bei Ji Hua (Rob-B-Hood) 's nice.
Laughed my hearts out =D

Happy post moon-cake festival! (It was MY day yesterday you know.)

I guess that's all i'm going to write. Gotta go continue my revision, or I'll DIE. . . DDMA.

Everyone do take great care! It's reallllllllly smokey foggy hazy out there. Even 'I' was shrouded by this fog last night.. 'I' was suppose to be all round and bright... but I was sadly hidden.
Nevermind. I'm intangible =D

&the beauty.


some 19 year old to be and hates describing herself!! know me and you'll know!

loves & hates

Badminton, reading, gaming, toggling my ipod touch, slow rock songs :)


night cycle
ice skate!
swim in a sheltered place!
go overseas with my friends


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Bro (Yuan!!)
Ee yen [MJ]
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Jasmine [MJ]
Jia Wen [MJ]
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Jin Jia [MJ]
Kat Law
Louis [MJ]
Matthew [MJ]
Yu Ping [MJ]
ZhiShen [MJ]
Zhu En

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